A Reminder That God Will ProvideSample

God Keeps All of His Promises
By Rev. Roger Woller, Chaplain
“I will bless you greatly, and I will multiply your descendants greatly, like the stars of the sky and like the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the city gates of their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.” (Genesis 22:17-18)
If you know your Old Testament history, you know the story well. God made promises to Abraham and Sarah that they would be parents to a son. This was humanly impossible because both Abraham and Sarah were too old to have children. But God promised! Not once but more than once. There was even an added promise: “All of the families of earth will be blessed in you.” (Gen. 12:3).
Sarah laughed when she heard the news of her having a child. This was not a laugh of joy but doubt. God kept his promise. Abraham and Sarah had a baby boy. They named him Isaac.
It seemed like everything was going great until God asked Abraham to take his only son, the fulfillment of the promise, and sacrifice his son Isaac. That meant Abraham was being asked to kill his son. Abraham could have said, “God you promised, and now, you want me to end my son’s life. That is not fair.”
God promised. Abraham did not know how God would keep his promise, but he knew that God would. He told the men who came along that they should wait for Isaac and him to go and worship, and he added, “We will come back to you.” When Isaac wondered where the lamb for the sacrifice was, Abraham told him, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering.”
God kept his promise. All people of all nations of the earth have been blessed through Jesus our Savior, who was born as a fulfillment of this promise. Be like Abraham—believe in God’s promises. God keeps his promises.
Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, thank you for keeping all of your promises to me and all other believers. You never go back on your promises. Keep me faithful unto death that I may eternally enjoy the crown of life that you have earned for me. Amen.
About this Plan

We’ve heard it before, God will provide. But what exactly will he provide us? The answer is simple, whatever we need. This 12-day devotion series, shared by The Lutheran Home Association’s chaplains, will give insight into all the different things God has promised to provide for us.
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