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Capture the Moment With JesusSample

Capture the Moment With Jesus

DAY 5 OF 5

Day 5: Where Your Treasure Is

A certain man received an inheritance from his aunt. While waiting for the reading of the will, he was thinking, “What am I going to get?”

Then, he read what his aunt said in her will: “To my beloved nephew, I bequeath my family Bible and all that it contains, along with the residue of my estate, after my funeral expenses and all the just and lawful debts are paid.”

When everything was settled, the nephew got a couple hundred dollars and the family Bible. He was disappointed. In a short time, he spent the $200, put the Bible in a trunk in the attic and lived a good portion of the rest of his life in poverty.

Finally, he became an old man himself, and it was time for him to move in with another family member. So, he went up to the attic, opened the trunk, and saw that Bible. He pulled it out.

He opened the Bible for the first time and began to turn through it, only to find that his aunt had put cash throughout all the scriptures in various passages of the Bible. There were thousands of dollars stashed inside that Bible.

Now, if you open your Bible, there likely won’t be cash inside. But there will be treasures that will be greater than any amount of money you could ever imagine. Think about the symbolism this aunt was trying to show her nephew. He would be provided for as he walked through the scriptures. The greatest treasure we will find when we open our Bible is Jesus. How do we walk in God’s ways? Through Jesus and Him through us. That’s how we realize the treasure of who He is.

Walk with Him. Love Him. Realize you have everything you need and that you are spiritually equal with the apostles of old and today. Stand on His promises. Give Him your time and attention today and you’ll discover eternal treasure.

This plan was adapted from another resource and we hope it encouraged you. Learn more at 

Day 4