A Christmas MysterySample
When you enter a country that is not where you usually live, you must state the purpose of your visit. The country you’re entering wants to know the purpose of you coming to their land.
Now, why did Jesus come to earth? What was His purpose?
Jesus spent around 30 years on earth. He spent three of those years training His disciples, teaching people how to live God’s way, healing people, and doing miracles. Those are some incredible things, but they weren’t the only reason Jesus came. Jesus’ purpose for coming to earth was to be our Saviour. Jesus lived a life with no sin, He didn’t do anything wrong, but He died on a cross to take the punishment for the sin of every person. He took the punishment we deserve upon himself. Jesus died and rose again, defeating sin and death once and for all. God sent Jesus to be the Saviour of the World.
About this Plan
Through the mysteries of the messengers, the manger, and the star, we discover that Christmas is not just about gifts. It’s about the birth of Jesus, that God is with us, and Christmas is a time to worship Him.