7 Days to Victory Over Fear Sample
Where do we find rest?
Daily Verse –“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30, MSG
Have you ever been enjoying a piece of music or a song on the radio and noticed a pause in the music? Everything was loud and grand, and then it was quiet. Orchestras do this. Choirs do this. Musicians call this pause a “rest.” It’s an intentional break in the activity… a planned moment of silence. And it is powerful.
Rest is a theme that’s wound throughout the days of our lives. In kindergarten, we take mats to school for rest time. When we travel, we make pit stops at roadside venues. In sports, there is time out given for teams to rest and regroup. And, for most of us, we take time to rest each night.
Similarly, our souls need rest. We need time to recover, be renewed, be restored, and be refreshed deep within our spirits. Matthew teaches us that we experience real rest when we spend quality time in the presence of Jesus. Press in close to Jesus; He is your place of real rest.
Do you need rest today?
Daily Declaration –I declare that God is my safe place. When I am tired and burned out, I will go to Jesus. I will get away with him and recover my life. He will show me how to take a real rest. I will walk with God, learn from God, and begin to live freely and lightly. As I spend time with Jesus, my life will be transformed.
Daily Action– As you think about rest in your own life, spend time with Jesus to add rest to your world.
Daily Prayer –Jesus, I need you today. I want to experience real rest in the depths of my soul. As I spend time with you, will you pour your grace, your hope, your peace, and your joy all over my life? Thank you for showing me what it really means to rest in you.
About this Plan
Do you struggle with fear, anxiety, or worry? So many people do. However, with increased time and focus on who our great God really is, you can learn to experience victory over fear. Moment by moment, choice by choice, peace is possible! Join us and discover how to enjoy victory over the anxieties in your life.