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No More Self-HateSample

No More Self-Hate

DAY 3 OF 10

Today’s verse in Hebrews 12:1 refers to sins that easily entangle us and thus can contribute to our self-loathing. While some may hide it, many Christians struggle with various besetting sins. For some, a besetting sin can be angry outbursts; for others, it is long-time addiction to pornography; for still others, it is dishonesty or some other sin.

But consider this question: are we genuinely struggling with these sins? I love how one pastor at our church puts it. “It is only a struggle if you STRUGGLE with it! If you snuggle with it, it isn’t a struggle then, is it?!”

God wants you free from any sin that the enemy can use to condemn you and stir up self-hate!

However, when I tell people that, I am often asked a question like, “How can I possibly stop a sin that I have been committing for so long that it is practically hardwired in me now?”

Above all, believers, remember that the Holy Spirit dwelling in you is He Who enables you to overcome all sin! The Bible tells us to walk in the Spirit so as not to fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).

In your quest to overcome that sin that causes you to hate yourself, first and foremost, PRAY! Ask God to help you overcome sin in your life.

Second, consider the environment and triggers that lead you to sinful behavior. Like keeping a food diary if you have food allergies, think about what things tend to trigger your besetting sins.

For example, let’s say you want to stop using foul language because the Bible says in Ephesians 4:29, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth.” You’ve noticed that your language gets much worse every time you are around this particular group of friends, so you know you need to make some adjustments. For example, perhaps hang out with those friends during daytime hours, when inhibitions are not as low as they can be at night. Also, consider adding someone to the group to whom you are accountable for your language. If these changes don’t help and you are serious about changing that sin that causes you to hate yourself, you may have to consider limiting your time with these friends.

Third, to overcome besetting sins, be accountable to a mature Christian in your life, someone who checks in with you about this sin!

And finally, believer, to overcome any temptation and sin, you simply must be armed with the Word of God, which is the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). Meditate on His Word, that you might not sin (Psalm 119:11).

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