The Race-Wise FamilySample
Pursuing Unity
First Corinthians 12:18-26 offers a model for pursuing unity in the area of race in our churches. Whose voices have been muffled or silenced about racial issues? Whose opinions have been swept aside or ignored? Who needs to receive greater honor to prevent divisions within the body of Christ?
In the American church's history, the silent voices tend to belong to people of color. The pathway to unity—which allows the church to have an effective witness—is to give greater honor and credence to the voices on the margins, even if you disagree with them.
None of us are perfect in our understanding or convictions. We all have to discern whose voices are Spirit-led and truth-filled. Ask God for wisdom, which he will generously give (James 1:5). If you are on a journey of learning, lean toward being “quick to listen [and] slow to speak” (verse 19), especially about matters of race. There is no downside to taking the time to listen and learn rather than being argumentative or vocal.
As you find trustworthy voices from the margins to learn from, as you gain insight into issues of race, and, most importantly, as you stay rooted in Scripture and pray for guidance, God will deepen your understanding of both the causes of racism and biblical ways to root it out. Like all transformative processes, this takes time and patience. Give yourself grace as you continue onward, and trust the Lord will keep revealing more about his intentions regarding racial issues.
Understanding the biblical view of racism is a lifelong journey, one that requires continual submission to the Spirit’s leading. At the end of time, we know that on the Day of the Lord, people from every tongue, tribe, and nation will be gathered both to worship God and be judged by him for all we have done and left undone. The good news is we still have time to experience transformation and help our children do better than we have done in the pursuit of racial reconciliation and justice.
God, Our Creator, may we intentionally cultivate space for multiethnicity in our home, our church, and our community to bring healing and unity to the body of Christ. Amen.
About this Plan
This five-day devotional explores the biblical roots of multiethnicity and what our personal calling is to nurture a race-wise family. The goal of our journey is not perfection but rather the posture of a race-wise heart. May these Scriptures and reflections birth in us a desire to grow more so that our families and we might embody a Spirit-led understanding that resonates with God’s heart for all his image-bearers.