Ecclesiastes 3: God's Eternally Relevant WordSample
God’s perfect timing
Our lives are encased in time. We often find ourselves chafing under the fact that our brief existence on earth is inseparably woven into time. We live with the tension that our time is running out, and, once it is gone, it can never be recovered. Like the relentless flow of a mountain stream into the ocean, time carries us through our earthly journey and ultimately deposits us into the depths of eternity.
King Solomon captures the flow of time in a beautiful poem in the third chapter of Ecclesiastes, in which he describes the flow of human events. Unfortunately, some people see 3:2-8 as an expression of fatalism, a view that pictures people trapped by the ebb and flow of life. And yet, the author specifically corrects that misperception in 3:10-11, where he notes that our lives are laid out by our Creator God. Indeed, as God’s plan unfolds, your life involves a sequence in which, ultimately, He will make everything “beautiful in its time.”
Too often, we find ourselves struggling with God’s “beautiful timing” in our lives. Since God has “set eternity” in our hearts (3:11), we long to see the whole picture and have all of our questions answered now. We want to know everything God is doing from “beginning to end,” but, because we are finite creatures, our knowledge is only fragmentary. We only get to see the micro-minute of our own existence in the grand span of eternity. Even then, we cannot see all the intricacies woven by God into the fabric of our relationships.
To banish the anxieties brought about by the time-bound happenings in our lives, we must trust. We must trust in the character of our Creator. We must trust that His intentions for us are good (Rom. 8:28) and that He orchestrates the flow of events in our lives for our ultimate good and His glory.
Such trust brings us great confidence and dispels frustration. Such trust enhances our walk with the Lord in love. Such trust frees our hearts to rejoice and praise Him, even through life’s many ups and downs.
About this Plan
Ecclesiastes reads as though it were written for our day because it touches the very things that currently occupy our hearts. It is an encouraging book, one that demonstrates how life is to be enjoyed, both in routine undertakings, as well as in difficult circumstances. According to its author, the key for the way each person responds to events in their life hinges on one’s relationship with God—or lack thereof.