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DAY 13 OF 14

Jesus Is the Lord of Our Supply

We are not the ones who decide when and how to give out of the life and the giftings that the Lord has placed in us. We’re not the ones in control of our supply, directing which way it goes.

We don’t get to decide who will be the recipients of our supply. We don’t get to decide the timing of when we release our supply. And we don’t get to decide the amount of our supply that we are going to pour out at any given time. He is the Lord of our supply.

Thankfully, Jesus helps us in this. He gives us the grace to obey and eyes to see things His way.

Jesus did that for Peter as they sat together around the fire on the beach after Christ's resurrection. When Jesus said, “Feed My sheep,” He was helping Peter see people as He sees them.

“Feed My sheep, Peter. This is My heart, because they are starving for My truth.”

Jesus was speaking to Peter from a place of perfect compassion and perfect knowledge. He knew how deprived of spiritual nourishment the people were and how much they were like sheep. He knew how much they needed the supply He had deposited in Peter during the past three years of ministry.

There was a reason Jesus had chosen Peter as one of those invited to walk and commune with Him in those special, intimate times. Jesus had been supplying Peter with all he would need so that Peter in turn could feed His sheep. That was the Father’s intention all along — the ultimate purpose that the enemy had been trying to abort.

But then came that conversation between Jesus and Peter on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias, when Jesus asked in essence, “Peter, do you love Me enough to receive My eyes and see yourself the way I do? Do you love Me enough to gather up what I’ve placed inside you and let it flow out to others?”

What Jesus asked Peter is a very powerful truth that applies to us all, because every one of us has been equipped for a specific purpose from the time we were in our mother’s womb. God was knitting together each detail of our personalities, our physical features, our giftings, and our strengths. All was being knit together in the womb to provide our supply.

Journal Prompt

Do you know the specific purpose God has placed on your life? Take time to pray and ask God what He would have you do to pour out of your supply. Write down three ways you can use your supply to further the Kingdom of God and pour into those around you!

Memory Verse

Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. — Hebrews 13:5

Day 12Day 14

About this Plan


Have you struggled to know what you have of value to offer as your part in God’s great plan? Ephesians 4:16 says you are a joint that supplies. You have a unique supply, and your gifts are needed in the Body of Christ! In this inspiring 14-day plan, Denise Renner will help you push past the obstacles that are holding you back from being unstoppable for the Kingdom of God.
