Parents and Kids Daily Devotional "This Is Living"Sample
Wow! How time flies! We have entered the fourth month of 2022. How are you today? I believe you are well and richly blessed.
We will begin to dig deeper into the theme of ”THIS IS LIVING”. What is that? We will learn about how to be followers of Christ, who glorify the name of the Lord, and testify about all the miraculous things that God has done in our lives.
Acts chapter 3 tells the story of Peter and John who healed a lame beggar. This man sat at the gate called Beautiful, just outside the Temple. People were both amazed and surprised to witness the miracle because the Peter and John they knew were just unschooled and ordinary men. It blew their mind that Peter and John were able to perform such a miracle - a lame man walked.
Let’s read further into the next chapter. In Acts chapter 4, it is written, “.. they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” In the end, people understood that it was not Peter and John who did the miracle. It was Christ in them that enabled them to do so.
That’s what it means to be witnesses of Christ. It is when others see Christ and His power at work in our lives. This month is dedicated to discussing the many ways to do it.
Devotion for Parents
In order to be a witness of Christ, we need to start from home. As parents, we play the biggest role to usher our children into the knowledge of God. The question is: have you practiced this at home?
Devotion for Kids
We can be witnesses of Christ even when we are little. We can do it starting in our own home. There are many ways to be a witness of Christ. One way is by having Christ-like character. Do you have Christ-like character?
Family Devotion Time
What are the characteristics of Jesus that we ought to have as Christians?
Discuss with your family which characteristics that each family member needs to train specifically and improve upon.
About this Plan
After we accept Jesus as God and Savior, our lives will change and our character will be renewed to become more and more like Him every day. What kind of life should followers of Christ have? What values do we need to hold? During this month we will invite the children to learn about this and teach them the values of truth that they should have in their lives.