Know. Own. Change: Journeying Towards God's Heart for ReconciliationSample
Own the Story Through Personal and Corporate Spiritual Disciplines
Imagine being a part of a family that has gone through some unimaginable tragedies. Perhaps the loss of a loved one, a divorce, or a life altering diagnosis. Now imagine never addressing this new reality. The pain. The trauma. The highs and lows of the new situation. Then being questioned, “Aren't we past this? Can't we just move forward?”
This is where we—the American Church specifically—find ourselves. We have pain, rifts, and a sordid history relationally. We have never been one. We have never lived as a family. In fact, for a long period, part of the family was considered subhuman, reduced to property, and subjected to the unimaginable. Another part of the family was robbed and conquered because of the belief that God desired this land for a select group of people, for America. The devastation against these members of the family has diminished the Church’s ability to flourish. It could take several volumes to discuss our history with women, our Hispanic siblings, or the Asian side of the family.
To make matters worse, imagine never talking about this pain. Not lamenting it together. Not acknowledging or rectifying it.
We find ourselves in the middle of a family tragedy. But redemption is near! This is where you and I come in. This is where the Church has a grand invitation. We have an opportunity to heal this broken family through the redemptive work of Jesus. We are invited to shoulder our crosses, to love sacrificially and to fight for one another. We are invited to be reconcilers.
Retreating isn't an option. Opting out of the race conversation isn't an option.
It is at this point that we turn to the Cross of Christ. The one who can put us back together and make us right with one another.
Together, we must:
Lament - turning our pains, sorrow, guilt and shame toward heaven. But it doesn't stop there. It invites God's comfort and most importantly God's solution.
Confess - We must confess our part in racism, sexism and classism. Confession also considers our collective impact. We are a part of a family, a common body. A community. We must confess the sin of the Church corporately.
Repent - We must turn our brokenness to the cross and ask the Father to forgive us. John says that he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin.
Forgive - Perhaps as a person of color you've experienced racism, or as a White person you feel shame or guilt over your or your foreparents participation in racism. You must forgive. Forgive yourself, forgive your offender. Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting, or that everything has been made right. However, it does liberate us from the clutches of offense. It's a gift we give ourselves and those who have wronged us.
Prayer: God build your church. Build your Family. Help us to address the pain and the trauma that racism has caused. Help us to confess the sin, to lament the pain, to repent, and to forgive those that have wronged or played a part in creating the racial chasm. We lift high the cross of Christ, declaring that you are worthy of a bride without spot or wrinkle at your return. Let it be so in Jesus Name, amen.
About this Plan
Join authors Josh Clemons and Hazen Stevens and learn that Jesus came to restore our spiritual sight amidst racism. Know the story of racism in the West, the church's complicity in it, and how that story impacts each of us. Own our own contributory roles in the present and historic sin of racism. Change the story by getting involved with the laborious—yet glorious!—work of racial reconciliation and justice.