Will you choose freedom?
The battle for right choices begins in our minds. Our Creator gave us an incredible brain with the ability to do multiple things at once, including thinking. Many times our thoughts lead us in a downward spiral and quickly, our attitudes follow. We think lies about ourselves: that we are failures, we are less than or too much, that we are unloved, undesired, unknown. We think them long enough that we begin to believe them. Like a car tire stuck in a deep rut, we find ourselves unable to drive out. We live believing those lies and they affect everything and everyone around us. We become prisoners of our own wrong thoughts.
Scripture is very clear that we have been given the mind of Christ. We have the power of the risen Christ enabling us to stop those negative defeating thoughts! But, stopping them isn’t enough. Our minds need to be renewed and set free from the bondage of those lies. How do we get out of that negative rut? By believing the truth. Simple, but so difficult. Our thoughts tend to travel in the same pathways they’ve always gone. It’s easier. It’s what we know. Negativity has become our normal.
To dig out of the rut, we have to find scriptures, truths, that counter those lies. And when those same old familiar thoughts come, we need to redirect and train our mind to think the new, right thoughts. As we practice and choose the new truthful thoughts of who God says we are, soon we will believe them and be living in the freedom of those truths. We will be set free!
Allow the truth of His words bring you hope and life. Believe they are for you.
Choose to believe the truth and live in freedom, or lies will hold you back.
About this Plan
Life is a series of choices, each determining the trajectory it will take. Will we choose allowing our hearts to be changed by God's Word which leads to life? Or will we default to our human nature, a passive choice leading to death?