Will you choose God?
We were created with desires for acceptance, purpose, and love. Even from infancy, we are needy beings looking for anything that will satisfy our wants and needs.
We want things that will make us happy, healthy, and complete. As children we thought it was that newest doll or bike, and as adults we think that bigger house, better job, or fancy trip to Fiji will finally give us the satisfaction we so desperately desire. For some, when those things don’t fill the need, we reach for sex, drugs or alcohol to soothe our aching hearts. These things only leave us empty, exhausted and disappointed, yet still reaching for more.
And God did create us for more! If we allow them, our desires will point us to Him. For it is in Him alone that all our wants and needs can be fulfilled.
God is not put off by our needs. He is a loving Father who lavishly gives from His abundance. He is God of life, love, and satisfaction.
He created us for relationship. To know Him, love Him and live our lives for Him. Not just to know about Him but to really know Him as a close friend. He invites us into a relationship with Him, to be able to live the life He created us to live. A life filled with purpose, direction and satisfaction.
God will never force Himself on you. He will always give you choices.
He is a God that pursues you and desires to be found and chosen by you.
Choose God or something else will choose your desires.
About this Plan
Life is a series of choices, each determining the trajectory it will take. Will we choose allowing our hearts to be changed by God's Word which leads to life? Or will we default to our human nature, a passive choice leading to death?