Starving the Fairytale: 5 Truths to Replace the Lie That More of Self in Our Work Is the AnswerSample
Several years ago, my family and I were shopping in a boutique in Texas. My oldest daughter, who was about seven at the time, saw a cute, little, and “fuzzy” cactus sitting in a display window.
She didn’t think it was harmful because it looked more soft than sharp. As she proceeded to touch it, we heard a very concerned and confused plea for help from behind us. It would take us hours, a roll of tape, tweezers, and a lot of deep breathing to get every last quill out of her hands.
Eve was also confused. How could a delicious, nutritious, healthy piece of fruit cause death? Wouldn’t it do what all the other fruit trees in the Garden do and give wisdom? This just couldn’t be right. God must be wrong.
“When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.” Genesis 3:6
Scripture doesn’t describe Eve as being overwhelmed with fear as Satan was deceiving her. He spoke plainly and convincingly about something common: fruit. For us, sin may not be presented as an obvious problem and likely appears harmless because everyone else is doing it.
There are endless numbers of podcast hosts, high-level leaders, and women who have worked to achieve the dream we may long for, but her life shouldn’t be your dream. Chasing anything that would put another god on the throne of your life other than God the Father—whether it’s money, someone else’s success, recognition, friendships, etc.—is sin.
Understanding that the enemy is driven to confuse us about sin and about the Word of God, it is up to us to ask God what He has planned for us. Then we must trust that His way is motivated by His unconditional love for us, His faithfulness to our hearts, and His protection from the enemy’s schemes.
Time to evaluate: What part of your work have you felt conviction about but stuffed that prompting for the sake of the outcome?
“Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God.” 1 Peter 4:1-2
God, help me to see the dangers of the sin that I’ve been passing off as harmless motives or actions. I don’t want anything to come between You and me. I don’t want to be deceived any longer because I know that Your plan has far greater reach than my plan ever could. Following You means living free. Thank You for Your faithfulness when I get it wrong. Amen.
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About this Plan
Women today are bombarded with messages from our culture that she alone holds the ticket to her success. She is encouraged to dig deeper within to discover her greatness so that each day she sits on the throne of her own life. What does the Bible say about this? What does God offer? Join Emily Copeland as she digs into Genesis 3.