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Heart & FleshSample

Heart & Flesh

DAY 1 OF 3


It’s important we understand the reason why God the Father sent His one and only Son. It’s easy for us to focus almost solely on the forgiveness of God or the removal of the stain of sin, probably because each of us is keenly aware of our weakness before God. Though the journey of sanctification might start with a revelation of God’s love toward us in His forgiveness, it was never meant to end there. Jesus didn’t just come only to forgive us for our sins. That alone would’ve been much more than we deserve, and that forgiveness alone is breathtaking. What’s even more incredible is that the forgiveness of God is unto His purpose that he “set forth in Christ as a plan to unite all things back unto Himself.” (Eph. 1:10) od’s plan for us is not just forgiveness but habitation. He wants to teach us now by His Spirit how to be dwelling places of the living God.

“How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place”

Here in this beautiful Psalm, we see David’s heart after God’s dwelling presence. Remember David was writing these words long before the coming of Jesus, so here in a time of the old covenant, a time of types and shadows, a time of sacrifices and priests, here in the middle of this time, David sings about the Dwelling Place of the Lord Of Hosts. You and I are now in the time of the New Covenant, where Jesus the final High Priest has entered into the Holy Of Holies once and for all on our behalf to fulfill the Father’s purpose, to unite us back unto Himself. Jesus even prays in John 17. An almost incomprehensible prayer to the Father, “that they may be one even as You and I are one.” What would our day look like if we were to receive God’s invitation by the blood of Jesus and by His Spirit to live as His dwelling place? To live as His temple? For we are His image bearers in the world. His children.

“To any who believed in Him, He gave them the right to be called children of God.” John 1:12

Pray this prayer with me:

How lovely is your dwelling place, oh God. I’m overwhelmed by your goodness towards me in Christ. Amazingly, you would make my heart your house! My life, your dwelling place. I receive your mercies and forgiveness today and your purpose for my life in Christ. Come and inhabit every room in my heart. Teach me, Holy Spirit, how to be a dwelling place. My heart cries out today, not for visitation but for habitation.

Day 2

About this Plan

Heart & Flesh

An invitation has been given to us through the victory of Jesus: the Habitation of God's presence. His heart for us is not to rescue us from life but to be transformed by His love. Join Leeland on a 3-day journey, singing with The Psalmist David, "My soul longs for the house of God, my heart and my flesh cry out to the living God."
