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You Are WantedSample

You Are Wanted

DAY 1 OF 7

Soul Wounds

The unthinkable has happened.

That person you thought would be there forever is gone. The people you were sure you could trust, you've learned through a painful undoing that you no longer can.

The rejection or betrayal you've experienced has you spinning in an unwanted reality, and the ripple effect of this loss feels like more than you can bear.

I know this pain, and I know things feel like too much right now. I've sat in the aftermath of shattered dreams and wondered if I would ever feel whole or happy again.

Rejection and betrayal are soul wounds. And in the aftermath, we wonder about our worth, and we wrestle with the idea that perhaps we really are too much. Or not enough.

My friend, I have wonderful news! God is in the business of redemption and restoration. He reminds us in His Word, "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine." (Isaiah.43:1a). The King of kings knows us by name. We are His.

I wish we could sit down together and talk through the experiences in your life that have brought you to this plan. I imagine this has been a long and painful road, and I am so sorry that the person who was meant to care for you has hurt you this way. While our stories are likely different, our truth is the same - We are deeply loved and actively pursued by God. No human rejection or betrayal trumps what He says about us.

The Bible is clear; you are the object of the greatest pursuit of all time (John 3:16). You’re made in the image of God (Genesis 1:7), and you are deeply, deeply loved (Ephesians 3:18).

God is not afraid of our valley. Our cry for help does not inconvenience him. The valley is one of God's best workbenches, and it's the place we find deep intimacy with Him. Psalm 34:18 has always brought me tremendous comfort. Can I suggest you write it on a sticky note and paste it on your mirror, your fridge, and anywhere you can see it regularly? We can count on this promise: "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." When we lean heavily on God, we see just how mighty He is.

As we travel this week together, let's decide to stand against rejection and the shame-based stories we might be wrestling with. Let's shed light on those stories and the lies that seek to harm us and ask God to remind us who He says we are.

God says you are seen (Psalm 121:8).

God delights in you (Zephaniah 3:17).

God says you are loved, and nothing you or anyone else does or says can change that (Romans 8:38).

God says you are wanted (John 3:16).

And these are the truths we can cling to as we work toward healing together. May we always remember who He says we are.

Healing Activity

Personalize this scripture, Isaiah 43:2 “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you ___(your name)___. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown ___(insert your name here)___. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.”


Thank you, Lord, that I am deeply loved and wanted by You. Even though I am facing a difficult season right now, I am not rejectable because You say I am chosen. And Lord, I know You will never walk away from me. Help me to believe this in my core, Lord. I don’t want the opinions of others, and the words said to me ever overshadow the things You declare about me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Day 2

About this Plan

You Are Wanted

On the heels of rejection and betrayal, we need reminders about our worth. We need Biblical truths and solid evidence that we are loved and wanted. This 7-day plan is a deep dive into the truth about who God says you are and an important step towards healing from the pain of rejection and betrayal.
