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DAY 3 OF 3

Perhaps one of the most important realities Jesus came to change was our relationship with our father in heaven. Before His sinless sacrifice and resurrection, we were a sinful people destined to a life without communion with God. God now looks at us through the lens of Christ, and the covenant He has with His perfect son is also ours to enjoy. The separation caused in the garden of Eden by Adam was atoned for by Jesus on the cross!

God created man to have companionship with Him. Jesus restored that original intention and design, and gave us back our reason for existence! We truly are not living until we are walking with the ability to hear God’s voice and feel His spirit on us. Relationship with the father is our greatest calling and where we find our true purpose and identity. There’s nothing like living in true connection with the father and in “the abundant life” He came to give us all!


Day 2