Adulting Ain't Easy: A 7-Day Reading Plan for 20-SomethingsSample
Nothing to Prove
With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. ZEPHANIAH 3:17 NLT
Erica had been a bridesmaid six times. Most of the time, it was exciting. She enjoyed planning parties, so wedding showers and bachelorette parties were her jam, but for some reason, this time around, it was harder. Melody and Erica had been friends since the third grade. Erica was so excited for Melody to be getting married, but Melody was being, well, a bit of a bridezilla.
The two friends were deciding what bridesmaid dress Erica should wear. Erica walked out of the dressing room in a long, flowing, blush-pink gown. She twirled. Melody wrinkled her nose. “It’s not the exact shade of pink I’m going for.” Erica was trying her best to be patient, but this was the twentieth dress she had tried on today. She hated shopping and knew no one was going to be looking at her on Melody’s wedding day. They’d all be looking at Melody. “Do you think you can choose one soon?” Erica said. “We’ve been at this for a while.” “You wouldn’t understand, Erica,” Melody said. “You’re not a bride.” Erica turned to go back into the dressing room, tears burning her eyes. Of course, Erica wanted to be a bride someday. Every wedding she’d been in had served as a sharp reminder that it was not yet her turn. She wiped the tears from her eyes and tried on another dress.
Have you ever felt like Erica: less than because you didn’t have what your friends have? In some seasons, it can seem like there are a million reminders of what we don’t have: pictures on Instagram, baby announcements, and wedding invitations. When those reminders crash into us like a tidal wave, we can feel like we’re drowning in a sea of “not enough.” Lies can pummel us and make us believe we’re not pretty enough, smart enough, or good enough. But all those are lies. Jesus doesn’t think you’re “less than.” Jesus thinks highly of you. He sings songs over you and covers your fear with His love. With Jesus, we have nothing to prove. We don’t have to convince Him we are enough. Instead, we can lay down all our fears, dreams, hopes, and weaknesses before Him and trust that He will take care of us and that He will bring beauty from our pain. Can you open your hands and offer your pain to Jesus today?
God, I so often feel less than or not enough. It can feel like other people have their dreams, but mine are nowhere in sight. Thank You that I can give all my pain and burdens to You.
About this Plan
Welcome to adulthood and all the challenges, opportunities, and adventures it brings! You have so many more options, and the possibilities are endless. It can be fabulously freeing – but also incredibly overwhelming. Especially when you realize your decisions now have a real and lasting impact on your future. Full of life hacks, how-tos, fun stories, and practical advice to show you how to navigate this exciting new stage of life, this 7-day Bible reading plan is here to help.