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The Purpose ExperienceSample

The Purpose Experience

DAY 7 OF 7

Provision for Your Purpose

Congratulations! You made it to the seventh and final day of The Purpose Experience YouVersion plan. I hope over the course of this past week you’ve been equipped and empowered in your journey to discover and pursue your God-given purpose.

On our final day, we’ll discuss where our provision comes from once we are in rigorous pursuit of our divine purpose.

God is the source of all provision. All our needs are met through Him. There are so many areas of life in which God has made provision for you to live out His purpose. This may be one of the most important principles we’ve discussed yet, so finish strong, apply these principles, and take this battle seriously! They may determine whether or not you will live out your purpose.

One way God makes provision for your purpose is through people. On the other side of the coin, one of the main destiny destroyers of your future is found in your relationships. I can tell you story after story of young people who were on fire for Jesus and found purpose but got sidetracked—usually due to a significant other or close friends. People are a key piece in becoming who God has called you to become and accomplishing what He has set before you to fulfill.

Another way God provides provision through people is by giving you mentors and coaches. These are invaluable people to have as you pursue your next season of life. Joshua had Moses, Elisha had Elijah, Timothy had Paul, and the disciples had Jesus. God puts in your path people who have more life experience than you and who can help you improve and excel. They are the individuals who model leadership and life principles to you. My dad always told me, “Son, things are more caught than taught.” That phrase has become a motto of mine. I need men in my life who show me the way. While your coach or mentor can’t do it for you, they can help encourage and push you forward when you feel like quitting. During the dark times, when you’re struggling, you’ll need someone with whom to be vulnerable, who will hold you accountable.

A second way God makes provision for us is through words. The greatest power we possess is in our tongue. Words plant seeds into our present that provide a harvest in our future. When the Bible speaks of words, or the tongue, it is talking about our profession—the way in which we openly declare our beliefs, faith, and opinions. Proverbs 18:21 says, “In the power of the tongue is life and death, and those that love it will eat its fruit.” We have the ability to speak either life or death over our lives. Our words will either build us up or tear us down. You will eat the fruit of what you speak. You’ll either be filled with a harvest of faith to fulfill your purpose or with doubt and fear. You decide what words come out of your mouth!

Let’s take a look at what Paul has to tell Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:16-23. In this charge to Timothy, Paul makes a comparison between “special purpose” and “common purpose.” Another version calls it “noble purpose.” Noble purpose leads to grace and honor while common purpose leads to dishonor, shame, and disgrace. The path of common purpose is the one most of society takes.

An object with a special purpose is useful, valuable, and profitable for the master’s use. This passage contrasts objects of gold or silver with objects of wood and clay. Anything made of wood is porous; over time, it can absorb substances and contain germs. If a clay object developed a crack, it had to be thrown away. Clay and wood were common. Gold and silver, however, were objects of value and honor. They could be traded for other things of high value. They were washable and reusable—they would last forever.

Stepping into your special purpose involves being purified, like gold and silver. That’s what the blood of Jesus does for you and me. However, we have a responsibility to stay clean and separate ourselves from the ways of the world. This happens through our confession—through what comes out of our mouths. The Bible says in Luke 6:45 (NKJV), “Out of the abundance of the heart [the] mouth speaks.” What’s in your heart will be revealed through your mouth. 1 John 1:9 also says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Confession keeps our hearts clean and purified.

God is looking for a generation who will crave the things of Him more than the things of culture. Second Timothy also says to flee youthful lust and desires. Youthful desires are the things of the world that have nothing to do with God. These are the cravings and longings for what is forbidden. I believe these can include young people who crave and are obsessed with things like social media, pornography, gossip, comparison games, money, and popularity, and therefore, aren’t focused on the things of God. “Fleeing” is an urgent action, not a casual one. Now, I’m not saying you can’t play video games, have a boyfriend or girlfriend, enjoy social media, make money or even want to be well-liked. But when you’re consumed by and addicted to these cravings, you’re no longer pursuing God but the world. Chasing these things is running away from God. As long as this generation pursues youthful desires, it’ll be disqualified from walking in God’s special purpose and will settle for the common life of the world.

Don’t compromise your standards. If you want to step into your destiny and purpose, take the path that’s different from the common path of the world. Avoiding godless chatter and fleeing youthful desires is the formula for passing the test and qualifying for God’s special purpose. Let your life and speech be filled with God-talk, consumed with passion for Him. This is the path to receiving the greater call of God on your life.

The world is full of people who will leave this earth with unrealized dreams and visions—people who got comfortable and complacent and never stepped into their God-given purposes. When I stand before God, I want to hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant!” How about you? Take the next step in your journey. I pray that this YouVersion plan begins a new season in your life. May it be a road map and a catalyst to provoke your dreams, ignite your passion, and awaken your life’s purpose!

Now that you have read this plan, we would love to give you a road map of how these spiritual purpose principles play into living out your everyday practical purpose. Go to our website at for Tim Waisanen's breakthrough book, workbook and video series called “The Purpose Experience!" It will serve as your GPS–“God’s Purpose System.” It is a specialized, one-of-a-kind process that has helped countless young adults and teens discover their purpose and step into their destiny. Now, it's your turn. Regardless of your age or stage in life, these timeless biblical principles will revolutionize the way you live and think.

Day 6

About this Plan

The Purpose Experience

This plan by Tim Waisanen outlines what your purpose is from God’s point of view, so you are empowered to pursue and fulfill the unique purpose God has for your life. Stop being content with normal living and dare to dream differently!
