A Fruitful LifeSample
Have you ever heard the expression “He/she has the patience of Job”?
Job’s life was one marked with tremendous loss and suffering. It is the only time in scripture where the devil was granted special permission to test someone, and test him he did!
Imagine one messenger after another coming with the next piece of bad news. You’ve lived your life in a godly way. You have been an example to everyone of God’s favor and blessings, and in what seemed like a moment, it’s all gone.
How would you react? This is where patience is tested.
The Greek word for patience is hupomone, and it means cheerful endurance.
Wow! I thought I was patient until I read that!
You mean, I have to endure cheerfully? Yes, we do!
That may seem like a tall order, and the truth is, it is!
Here’s the great news: this is a fruit of the Spirit. Galations 5:22 uses the word long-suffering, but it means patience. The patience we need doesn’t come from our own ability, but it comes through the endowment of the Holy Spirit. He gives us all that we need to be able to endure cheerfully.
Hebrews 10:36 declares that we are in need of patience, so that we can receive the promises of God.
How do we develop this patience?
Romans 5 tells us that tribulation produces patience. The Lord allows tribulation to form patience within us. He goes on to say that patience brings experience and experience leads us to hope. Isn’t that just like the Lord? We start in tribulation and end up in hope, but we only get there through patience.
We’ve all heard that patience is a virtue, and it really is true! Patience is formed as we learn to wait on God, stand on His promises, trust in His nature, and believe His word.
Pray this with me: “Heavenly Father, I admit that I fall short at times in modeling patience. I understand that You can be trusted, and You always keep Your word. Help me to model cheerful endurance as I walk through life. Help me be patient with those around me, patient with You, and patient with myself. I know it is a fruit that comes from my relationship with your Spirit, so I ask that it would be evident in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
- Joshua Fontaine, VP Sales
About this Plan
The fruit of the Spirit can only be found when we are walking in the Spirit. This plan will help you delve into the fruit of the Spirit and detail how we, as believers, can enjoy this fruit.