The Ageless One in Time's EmbraceSample
Glimpses of Jesus’ deity were visible during His earthly ministry
“And He [=Jesus] was transfigured before them, and his clothes became radiant, intensely white, as no one on earth could bleach them. [...] And a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud, ‘This is my beloved Son; listen to him.’” (Mark 9:2-7)
Jesus Christ was born into a humble family and grew up as an ordinary boy. When He started His ministry, people did not yet know who He really was. It took them a long time to figure it out, and some did not get it at all. But to evil spirits, it was immediately clear: Jesus was the Son of God who had the authority to drive them out. On many occasions, these spirits cried out to Jesus. But He strictly ordered them not to make Him known. They were not the ones to announce who He was.
On one occasion, Jesus was on a mountain with three of His closest disciples. There His divine glory became visible, and God the Father spoke, “This is my beloved Son!”. The same message was heard at Jesus’ baptism. Combined with the many miracles Jesus did and the amazing message He proclaimed, His disciples started to grasp that this man was indeed “the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16).
Jesus laid down His glory when He became human, not His deity. He was and is and will forever be God the Son. During His earthly life, glimpses of this were visible. When He returns at the end of time, His divine power will be clear to everybody.
All glory to Him!
About this Plan
The Christmas story is not just about a baby in a manger and some shepherds visiting Him. This story actually starts before the creation of the world, with the Word of God being with God and being God Himself. It is about God the Son becoming man while remaining God. This plan helps you understand the real, deep meaning of Christmas.