The Glorious Gospel for SportSample
Every sports club has one – a legend! Someone who has played, coached, or served at the club for as long as anyone can remember. Everyone admires them, eulogizes about them, and then when that day of retirement comes around, celebrates them with such authenticity.
What do we love about this local hero? Isn’t it their longevity, their faithful, focused, and undeterred commitment to the cause of the club?
It’s a similar picture with older generations of Christians. Those who have pressed on in faith to the very end. It’s admirable and it’s compelling – we want to be like them. How have they done it? How have they stuck it out?
Paul helps us answer these questions with such a simple concept;
"A righteousness that is by faith from first to last." (Romans 1:17)
To continue as a Christian means to keep trusting.
We heard last time that the gospel reveals a righteous standing before God that is won for us by Jesus and is received by faith. We enter this new life through faith and continue in faith. In other words, ‘the way in is the way on’. It sounds so simple and yet we know that there are many things that can trip us up and lure us away from trusting in Jesus daily for the forgiveness of sins.
What are your pitfalls? It’s so important to know the things that you’re most susceptible to, that can pull you away. Could it be apathy or a lack of conviction that your sin is as bad as the Bible suggests? Could it be the tug of the world and the strong temptation to find satisfaction within its shallow offer? Or could it be doubt in the gospel’s credibility or lack of desire to find a church home and walk with other Christians? The list really can be endless and is always personal.
That’s why we admire those who last the course. Being at a funeral of an old Christian is a glorious event. Inevitable sadness but an inspirational, awe-inspiring experience: "by faith from first to last."
One last thing – don’t get caught up on how much or how little faith you feel you might have. Don’t compare yourself against others who seem to have bags more faith than you.
It’s not because of how much faith you have but because of what our faith is anchored in. You are not saved (righteous) because you have faith. You are saved because of what Jesus has achieved for you and that salvation is received through faith.
And remember, you’re not on your own. The Spirit, that lives in you, continues to enable you to keep trusting. He is the one who comforts, convicts, and encourages by sticking with you to the very end.
Through all the highs and lows that sport brings and through the peaks and troughs that is life. Hold onto this; “The righteous will live by faith.” Keep on. Keep trusting!
Pray for yourself
Dear Lord,
Thank you that I can continue to trust in your good gospel as my hope for salvation. Thank you that your spirit in me enables me to live by faith each day.
Help me not to be distracted from this wonderful truth, help me to cling to it in times of struggle or doubt. Help me to keep trusting in Jesus for my salvation today and always.
In your name,
Pray for your sports friends
Pray that today you may have an opportunity to speak to some of your sports friends about the glorious good news of Jesus.
About this Plan
Romans 1:16-17 gives us the basics of the gospel and the glorious truths which empower us to live for Jesus and speak of Jesus in the world of sport.