Gracious Jesus 6 - the King’s TouchSample

Restoring the Leper
When Jesus stretches out His hand, it is a hand of power. It is also a hand of incredible love and kindness. This time the touch is important. The untouchable leper has to be several meters away from anyone for years. No hugs from family. No kisses from loved ones. No friendly pats from friends. He is alone and isolated.
Leprosy is a disease that, in many ways, models sin. Initially, it starts with a harmless sore. As it continues to spread and cause numbness, it mutilates part of the body and eventually affects the nervous system.
While leprosy is loathsome, often sin isn’t. We are often insensitive to it and don’t realize it’s spread in our lives.
There are rules for lepers in Israel. They are social outcastes, unkempt with torn clothes, and supposed to cry “unclean” when people are around. Most often, they are outside society, in a camp. Leviticus 13:45-46
“If any leper is clean, a priest has to go outside the camp and examine them.” (Leviticus 14:3, Mark 1:40-45)
As per the Talmud, they were to maintain a 6 ft distance and in the direction of the wind - 150 ft!!
This leper’s faith, however, SCALES obstacles. He:
S lips through the crowds – a courageous act for a leper.
C omes to Jesus - takes this initiative.
A cknowledges his uncleanness – appeals to Jesus to make him clean.
L ooks to the Lord – addresses Jesus as “Lord”.
E xpresses desire for cleansing – many times, we do not wish to take on God's values over the world's values. But when we turn to God, He cleanses us completely.
S urrenders to Christ’s will in faith – putting God’s will before our desire is a key step to healing and growth.
Jesus’ love STIRS tradition. He:
S tretches out his hand – in power and love.
T ouches him – One touch the leper would never have forgotten.
I nitiates cleansing – ensures that he takes the next steps for complete restoration.
R estores completely through His word – The disease is not just stopped. All mutilated parts are completely restored.
S ends him to the priest – and society so that he is all set to start a brand-new life.
While we tend to be biased towards physical healing, Jesus is supporting the growth and healing of our souls through every situation.
Are we ready to deal with every sin completely, as leprosy is dealt with? Are we helping the process of restoration in the lives of others?
About this Plan

His hand brings healing to many. He touches the untouchable. His voice calms the seas and speaks power. He breathes new life into lives shattered and wasted by demonic influences. He even stops a pandemic. So simple, yet so powerful. So gentle yet so full of authority. So loving, yet tough on the hard-hearted! This is King Jesus, who walked among us and lives within us even today.
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