Victory LapSample

The Race Set Before Us
In 1992, Derek Redmond competed in the 400 meters semi-finals at The Olympic Games in Barcelona. About 200 meters away from the finish line, Derek tore his hamstring and fell to the ground in pain. At that very moment, Derek made a decision to finish the race and stood up, and began to limp his way to the finish line. Suddenly, a man pushed and fought his way through the crowds and security onto the track. He threw his hands around Derek as a crutch and said to Derek, “You don’t have to do this”. “Yes I do!” replied Derek. “Well then, we’re going to finish this together!” said the man. That man was his father. With the assistance and support of Derek's father, Derek was able to continue. Before they met the finish line, Derek’s father let go of him so that he could complete the course on his own, causing a crowd of 65,000 people to stand in ovation. Though Derek was disqualified for outside assistance, he still made it to the finish line, making this a well-known moment of perseverance and determination in Olympic history.
We all have our own race to run in our lives that was set by God to complete. And in order to run the race to victory we must keep our eyes on the prize, Jesus Christ. In Hebrew 12:1-2 it reads, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Abraham, Jacob, Noah, Moses, and Sara; just to name a few, were heroic influences of the ‘Hall of Faith’ in Chapter 11 who ran the race with endurance, patience, and exercised their faith. Just like us, these ‘witnesses’ endured circumstances, pain, hardship, and trials during the course of their race but they had sustaining faith. Faith that never ended. This serves as encouragement and motivation that the ones who ran the race before us did it and so can we.
Jesus endured the cross, pain, and the shame because there was something awaiting him. There was joy at the finish line. Use Jesus as an example of someone who never lost sight of where he was heading; to be seated at the right hand of the throne of God. There is something awaiting you. The purpose God has set before you is waiting to be fulfilled. There are places God wants to take you and God is telling you to keep going, don't stop! Run, and run it well. The heavens are cheering you on.
1 Corinthians 15:57 says “thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” There is a race to be run and a victory to be won and I want to encourage you that throughout your marathon, rest in God's grace. The one whose grace is sufficient for you, whose strength is perfect in weakness. Run your race to victory!
About this Plan

We all have our own race to run in our lives that was set by God to complete, and in order to run the race to victory we must keep our eyes on the prize, Jesus Christ. Join this 3-day race as we persevere to fulfill God's purpose for our lives. On Your Mark, Get Set, GO!
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