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Devloping Your People Through Impactful CoachingSample

Devloping Your People Through Impactful Coaching

DAY 7 OF 7


‘It is finished’ the final three words Jesus spoke at cross marked the accomplishment of his ministry on earth. (John 19:30), for he knew where he came from and where he was going (John 13:3) and after he rose up on the third day, he appeared to his disciples by the Sea of Galilee, Jesus knew where he would find these disciples – Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James, John and two other disciples after a night of laborious pursuit of catching fish they returned empty handed to be asked by Jesus – ‘Friends, haven’t you any fish?’ They said ‘No’ and He said ‘throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some’ they had caught 153 fishes. And as they approached Jesus they found him cooking fish and baking some bread Jesus said to them ‘Bring some of the fish you have caught’ and invites them to ‘come and have breakfast’ and after they had the breakfast Jesus asks Peter ‘Simon son of John, do you love me more than these (his other disciples)?’ Yes Lord Peter replied ‘You know I love you’ and Jesus replies ‘Feed my lambs’.

The fishers of men had returned to be fishers of fish but Jesus reaches out to Peter and other disciples and reinstates them about their higher vision and a greater purpose – To be a true follower and shepherd of his sheep. The greater goal mattered! In a journey of three and a half years Jesus helped his disciples to realize their goals. They all soon would die painful deaths but through it all glorify God.

As we invest time in our people, our intention needs to help them realize their larger and deeper goals, it’s going to be a long journey sometimes, but with a great heart that fosters genuine relationships, natural conversations, intentional listening, powerful questioning, flavored with humility and patience, we are sure to help our people develop and delve deeper.

Prayer: Father, may my life’s theme be ‘kingdom first’, for there’s no greater goal than that. Amen!


Day 6

About this Plan

Devloping Your People Through Impactful Coaching

In our uncertain, complex workplaces, teams and people are desperately looking for direction, awareness and clarity to be productive and grow, this 7 day devotional will help you gain insights from Jesus’ life on how he developed his chosen 12, making them one of the best teams and individuals who created a greater, lasting impact through their lives.
