History Makers And World ChangersSample
Beginning in Exodus 3, we read how God sent a fugitive from Egypt back into the palace to go head-to-head with the pharaoh, eventually leading the nation of Israel out of captivity and toward the Promised Land.
In Judges 6 and 7, we read how God took an obscure unknown man named Gideon and called him a mighty warrior when that was the last title this farmer would have given himself. God then whittled down the army Gideon put together, to just 300 men to overtake the nation’s enemies without even striking a blow.
In Joshua 6, we read how Israel, led by Joshua, brought down the walls of Jericho in the most non-military strategy ever conceived—marching, shouting, and blowing trumpets.
In 2 Samuel 5, we read how David was finally declared king over Israel and entered the palace after years of fleeing King Saul and fighting battle after battle with his small band of mighty men.
Watch today’s clip, detailing the incredible odds that Israel faced as Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq declared war against the nation.
We learn at a very young age that power, might, fame, and wealth are the ways of the world and the measure of success. We come to accept that “survival of the fittest” and “bigger is better” are the paths to victory. But Scripture paints a very different picture, as outlined in these four example passages above. From Moses to Christ, no matter the odds stacked against any human or any army, if God was involved, He changed every single circumstance.
In our own lives, we may not have opposing nations surrounding us, an evil pharaoh threatening us, or an enemy camp to invade. But to live a life following Christ, we do have a cross to bear. Yet, once we have accepted His death for our own and allowed His Spirit to raise us to new life, all the odds turn in our favor and no circumstance can threaten our position as His children.
Today, no matter what your situation, no matter how you might feel about yourself and the direction of your life, Christ—the Messiah to whom the entire Bible points from day one to the final page—desires to graciously give you His life, show you His great love, and train you in the ways of the Conqueror.
About this Plan
Focusing on God’s relationship with the nation of Israel throughout history, this 5-day biblical study also draws on the power and truth of the Gospel that forever changed the world. Inspired by IN OUR HANDS: The Battle for Jerusalem, a CBN Documentaries film, this study highlights God’s relentless love, mercy, and grace available to everyone who will call upon His name.