You Are Created For...Sample
Finally, the right companion! says the man. (Genesis 2:23)
You are one connection away from a breakthrough. One connection away from not staying trapped. It's something to pray about. Ask the Lord to bring people across your path so that my relational capacity can be unlocked.
That person, that relationship might be right next to you and you don't see it. Recognize what is happening in that space and give yourself to it. A friend told me this week how he had been searching for a mentor in his life for so long, and when he thought about it, he recognized that he already had a relationship with someone in his life where mentoring was taking place.
Before you can recognize the space you need, you must acknowledge - I am in pain, or I am stuck, or I have a need - to give, to serve, or to share my life. If you have to be honest today, what is it that you need the most?
If you decide today to go on the journey and go deeper - to take the next step, there are opportunities. It depends on where you are in your life, what you can take on - your capacity, and what is happening in your heart.
For you, it might be a one-on-one conversation, or a new focus in your family, or the group you have weekly spiritual conversations with. Maybe it's a group you share life and possibly a passion or ministry with.
About this Plan
Life is about relationships. We are created to live in relationship with Him (Me - Thou), Others (Me - You) & the World (Me - It). Therefore, we want to go deeper into God, closer to each other, and further in our world.