Two Kingdoms - Part 4Sample
Some more famous verses today! Use your imagination to visualise a wide gate and road and a narrow gate and road. Now imagine that wide road with a crowd of people walking down it. On the contrary, on the narrow road, there are less people. It's easy to enter a wide gate and walk down a wide road. You can just follow the crowd and go along with whatever they're doing. The destination is ultimately destruction. The road to life and kingdom living, however, is narrow. It's focussed, it requires discipline, and it has a clear destination: life in abundance, life full of purpose.
Only a few find the narrow road that leads to life. As we read yesterday, it's for those that ask, seek, and knock. Those that are actively pursuing the kingdom of God will find the Father. The narrow road is Jesus himself. It might feel difficult sometimes to stick out or to be different to those around you; it would be easier to follow everyone else, to blend in with the crowd. As a follower of Jesus, however, you have been invited to walk this narrow road with Him. It's not all about behaviour, but living as part of the kingdom of God will affect every part of our lives. Does your life look different to those who aren't following Jesus? If so, how? If not, why not? Take a moment to reflect on what it means to walk the narrow road. Be encouraged that this road leads to life!
Remember the imagery from earlier: a wide road that leads to destruction and a narrow road that leads to life. This illustration could be a good way to share the gospel with somebody. Perhaps you could be part of leading somebody to Jesus, to them finding true life! Take a moment to pray about who you could share this with. Be bold!
"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." - Matthew 7:14
About this Plan
Two kingdoms - light and darkness. Did you know you were made to shine in this world and reflect the kingdom of God wherever you go? Join TeenStreet as we discover what it means to be bold kingdom people. Share the plan with your small group and go deep in the Word together!