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Acts in 28 DaysSample

Acts in 28 Days

DAY 1 OF 28

We learn that Jesus tells his apostles to wait in Acts 1:4. Have you ever been asked to wait for something by your parents or a family member? Write down the most annoying or frustrating thing you have had to wait for. It could be as simple as waiting for dinner while you were super hungry or waiting to find out the answer to a burning question. Why was it difficult for you? What ended up happening in the end?

Have you ever had to wait for something that was beyond your control or out of the control of people around you? Some people feel like they are waiting forever to figure out what career they should pursue, while others wait for answers about someone who is ill or hurting. Have you ever waited for something that was out of your control? Are you still waiting?


The apostles’ lives had been flipped upside down. Can you imagine what it must have been like to travel, laugh, spend time with Jesus, and then watch him die on the cross? They saw Him heal people! They watched as He cast demons out and brought the sick back from the dead! They knew His power and yet, Jesus told them to wait. Do you think they knew what they were waiting for? Jesus knew what was ahead of them. He knew the blessings they would experience and the trials they would face. Why do you think He asked them to wait? Let’s go back to your own waiting. Is there any reason Jesus might ask you to wait?


The truth is that we don’t always know why we are waiting or how long we will have to wait, but we can learn to be content if we wait with Jesus and trust He knows what is ahead of us. Sometimes, the Father puts people in our lives to help us know how to wait! Is there someone in your life who you can go to now or the next time you are waiting in a difficult situation? Someone who is a good example of waiting with Jesus? Write down that person’s name and make a commitment to trust that person to pray with you as you wait together with Jesus.


“While being together and eating with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, ‘Of which,’ He said, ‘you have heard Me speak’.” - Acts 1:4


Day 2

About this Plan

Acts in 28 Days

Wait, receive and go! Join TeenStreet as we read the book of Acts together and discover what it means to continue the ministry of Jesus and live life empowered by the Holy Spirit. Share the plan with your small group and go deep in the Word together!
