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The Good LifeSample

The Good Life

DAY 4 OF 7

Day 4: Enemies of Success:
Yesterday we determined the meaning of “true success” and saw clear steps of how it’s obtainable. The only question that remains now is, “Why doesn’t everybody live this life?” Like anything else in life, if it were easy, everyone would be living it! Today we are going to look at some of the common enemies of success:

Enemy #1: Sin

As unpopular as this subject is in today’s religious society, it does not negate the fact that sin is still one of the primary enemies of success.

Now, when most people hear the word “sin," they immediately begin to imagine a list of evil activities such as fornication, lying, stealing, adultery, etc. Even though these are sinful activities, the Bible gives a much more, all-encompassing description of sin. Romans 14:23 (NKJV) says: “Whatever is not from faith is sin.” 1 John 5:17 (NKJV) puts it this way: “All unrighteousness is sin.” And 1 John 3:14 (NKJV) says that anyone who does not love his brother lives in death.

What most Christians don’t realize is that anytime you fail to believe God and walk in unbelief, it’s sin. Let’s take that a step further. What about when you refuse to believe God’s Word concerning prosperity and success? Or when you fail to believe you’re forgiven and that you can do all things through Christ? Believing anything contrary to the Word of God—no matter the subject—is sin.

If there’s one thing I have learned about the devil over the years, it’s that even though he’s evil, he’s not stupid! If he can get you to doubt what God’s Word says about you, and subsequently cause you to walk in doubt, fear, anxiety, and worry, then he’s winning.

Solomon knew a thing or two about the relationship between sin and success. He writes: “He who covers his sins will not prosper” (Proverbs 28:13, NKJV).

Enemy #2: Bad Company

In every part of life—whether raising kids or building a business—the company you keep can determine your success or failure. A very powerful scripture concerning this issue is found in 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NKJV), where Paul writes: “Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits.’”

Falling in with the wrong crowd can be detrimental, even costing you your divine destiny. I’m not just talking about unethical or unscrupulous relationships, but also the ones close to you who are a constant drain of energy, creativity, and positive motivation. Those types of relationships are called leeches. Take my word for it; when you begin to experience success in any area of life, they will hunt you down until they latch on!

The life of Jesus is an excellent example of keeping the right company. During His earthly ministry, Jesus spent time with three types of people: 1) those He ministered to, 2) those who received His ministry, and 3) those who ministered to Him. We never see in the scriptures where Jesus kept close association with His critics. As a matter of fact, His instructions to the disciples, when they encountered someone who would not receive them or their message, was to “. . . shake off the dust from your feet” (Matthew 10:14, NKJV).

That same principle is true today!

Enemy #3: Resistance to Change

On many occasions, change is a good thing and a necessary component of success. Change means newness, regeneration, and growth.

One way to help ensure that your future looks better than your past is to do something different in the present. Don’t make the mistake of waiting until “something happens” until you embrace a different mindset. Proverbs 5:1 says that a wise man will hear and increase learning. Be open to hear, receive, and embrace new ideas. These generally lead to an increase in skill, understanding, and wisdom—which usually translates into success!

The successful person of tomorrow is the one who is not afraid of change today. Begin challenging your mind to change and grow. Invest in yourself by enrolling in a class or listening to a daily podcast which can increase your efficiency. Learn something new. Embrace change. See yourself at a different level. Invest in yourself! You’re worth it!

There are many more enemies of success, but for the sake of this plan, I wanted to focus on these three. The bottom line is, we do have enemies. We must stay rooted to God to survive – let alone be successful.

Day 3Day 5