The Power in Silence and SolitudeSample
My pastor recently stated, “There is no such thing as intimacy without intentionality. You cannot busy your way to God. You cannot pour out into others from a place of emptiness.”
Begin a habit of consistent, intentional, deliberate time to slow down and seek the Father in ALL THINGS. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” If we truly believe and trust this, we can move forward into each new day unafraid. We must plan these times to be alone with God to shift our focus from our craziness to His plans (which are good and clarified with peace). The Bible refers to meditation as deep contemplation to gain a greater understanding of the Father and to be changed by His truths.
We can tap the power of our silence and solitude by making a few clear choices:
1) Recognize the power of it…because if we don’t value something, we won’t prioritize it.
2) Schedule it… as it will never accidentally happen. You must choose this time.
3) Find a place …to get in His Presence (Ps 16:11) and get away from distractions. I love to get in nature if possible. When did you last sit and listen to the birds or wind? To notice nature’s details? To watch the sunset?
4) Be still… A wise psalmist reminds us to“Be still and know(Ps 46:10) and sit in the quiet. Let this become a sacred, secret Holy Place between you and the Lord. Be silent in the presence of the Lord.
5) Ask God questions… (even difficult ones) and invite Him to speak! Then, wait quietly to hear His voice.
6) Breathe slowly and deeply… Breathe God in and breathe the world out. Incorporate this visual with your slow breathing. Breathe in the truth that Christ in you (His Holy Spirit) is your hope. (Col 1:27). S-L-O-W !
7) Journal… to enhance your silence and solitude, record your thoughts and interactions with the Lord. This practice can also help you order this quiet time.
If you find it difficult to focus at these times (since the grocery list keeps coming to mind), here are a few helpful things that you can choose to do:
· Focus on that which is good, noble, or praiseworthy (Phil 4:8)
· Remember the fruits of the Holy Spirit within you (Gal 5:22-23)
· Consider the eternal versus the temporal (Col 3:2)
· Listen to Praise and Worship songs
· Find and meditate on a favorite scripture (Josh 1:8)
· Meditate on the promises of God
· Ask questions for revelation/understanding of issues in your heart
· Ask God to transform you by the renewing of your mind (Rom 12:2)
· Ask God what you might be afraid of. (Biblical scholars report that the Bible uses the words “fear not” about 365 times (one for each day of the year). Do you think that God was trying to teach us something here?
The purpose of this time is often to get out of our heads (overthinking) and into our hearts as they connect to the heart of God. Since today is the first day of the rest of your life, be intentional and start a practical plan for more Silence and Solitude today.
About this Plan
In a world filled with chaos and confusion, how do we find our solid ground? Many voices and noises are entering our minds. Jesus often went away to hear the voice of His Father, the ONE voice that matters. His example calls us to consider “silence and solitude” as a place to reconsider, reprioritize, and rejuvenate. From this place, we can learn to walk with peace of mind.