On RepeatSample
At the end of every week, we'll give you a challenge—something to try that might be outside your regular routine. Each challenge is designed to help you develop one important spiritual habit. This week, it's...
There's no formula or one right way to spend time with God. Whether you already know how you like to spend time with God, or you're still trying to understand how to hear God's voice, today's challenge is going to help you experiment with some new ways of connecting with God. Try it and see what you discover about God—and about yourself, too!
We can learn a lot about God through the experiences of those around us. And sometimes, the stories closest to us are the ones we overlook because they feel familiar or awkward. For this challenge, talk to someone close to you—like a parent, grandparent, sibling, or caregiver—and ask them the questions below. After you do, spend time with God and ask what you could learn from their story. Turn it into a video, poem, or sketch you can share to show what God revealed to you through them. When you're finished, make a copy and share it with the person you talked with.
- Who's someone who changed the way you view God?
- When was a time God seemed most real to you?
- What do you think it means that God listens to us?
About this Plan
When music connects with us, we can play a song on repeat and never get tired of it. When Jesus taught his followers what it looked like to live for God, he wanted them to get that same feeling. In this 4-week devotional series from Grow Curriculum, we'll explore the ways Jesus treated people and how we can make loving like Jesus a part of our lives.