Faith Under FireSample

Christian resolve
Around 600 B.C., a young man (likely 14-17 years old) named Daniel was faced with a life-changing (or ending!) choice: break the law of his God or violate the protocols of his king. King Nebuchadnezzar, the most powerful man on the earth, was trying to assimilate Daniel and his Jewish friends into Babylonian culture—food, language, and gods included (read Daniel 1:1-16). All Daniel had to do to climb the Babylonian ladder was ignore a few pages of the Word of his God.
What did Daniel do? “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself” (Daniel 1:8). Daniel resolved to obey God. The original Hebrew says he “set his heart” not to sin. He loved the God who loved him first to such an extent that he risked his career, his potential wealth, and even his own life in order to follow the Word of his God faithfully.
You may be facing some fierce temptation today—to spend all your money (and more!) instead of sharing some with the poor; to talk about people behind their backs instead of to people face-to-face; to join your friend in gossip, anger, or drunkenness—which will require your resolve. Set your heart, pre-temptation, on a God-honoring decision. Ask a few trusted friends (Daniel had at least three) who can join you in your Christian resolution to honor God and obey his Word.
Resisting sin is no small task. May you, motivated by God’s grace and supported by God’s people, resolve to follow God’s Word today!
About this Plan

You may be facing some fierce temptations today. But whatever the world threatens to do to you, remember the character of the God who knows your heart and stands by your side.
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