I Will Not Betray My HeartSample
I love that God is after our hearts, not our money. Paul reminds us in the passage that God loves a cheerful giver, and then emboldens our cheerfulness by telling us that God is able to make all grace abound toward us, so that, in all things and at all times, having all that we need, we can abound in every good work. God will increase our ability to give!
Throughout this devotional we have been challenged with some of the most compelling stories of sacrificial giving, of how we ought to think of God’s House, and how God cares about the places where people meet Him. We must remember that all of these incredible acts of faith—the woman with the alabaster jar, David’s buying of the threshing floor, and Jesus’ passion for the Temple—all came from a Revelation of God’s heart for people.
When it comes to worshipping God with our money, we must ask God to help us see Jesus. Giving doesn’t begin with us, it begins with God—it’s a faith response to His words and deeds, not some impossible action undertaken by our own willful initiation.
Has giving and serving become something out of compulsion? Have you lost some of the joy of giving? It’s so easy to lose our joy, even in doing the right thing all the time!
Lord—do something new in us: help us hear You and experience You! Let us see the value of Your House; let us taste and see Your goodness; and from there—and only there—let our hearts be transformed in complete adoration for Your glory, in Jesus' Name, amen!
If you would like more information about Hillsong NYC’s Heart for the House offering as well as Our Home, Our City, and Our World initiatives, please visit http://hil.so/hfthnyc. If you would like to contribute, please visit http://hil.so/hfthgive.
About this Plan
"Heart For The House" is an annual, sacrificial offering over and above normal tithes and offerings at Hillsong NYC. Every year, this single weekend marks a pivotal and miraculous step forward in the life of our church. By intentionally preparing and selflessly giving, our church is able to extend our reach and expand our influence into realms that are often left overlooked. Our prayer is that you would consider your part to play as we endeavor to practically equip our local church to better serve our city, our home, and our world. Our heart is for freedom. Our heart if for people. Our heart is for this house. And we will not betray our heart. Join us over the next seven days in this special devotional, as we learn more of God's heart for us, and for His Church. And as we prepare to sow generously to see His kingdom take ground like never before.