A Painted Old Testament | With Ray Comfort, Ron Dicianni & Dave YaukSample
In The Beginning
In this painting, there are many elements to consider. The artist, Ron DiCianni, attempts to give a visual interpretation of the creation account. You will notice that the hand of God is lifting Adam from the dust as Adam outstretches his arms in the shape of a cross. This is the artist’s way to visually link the first Adam to Christ, whom Scripture refers to as last and perfect Adam (1 COR 15:35-49).
The Scripture says that there was a mist on the ground. This is why the artist took the liberty of having night and day disseminating into one another. There is a rainbow of birds flying across the hand of God, with a red one signifying the wounds that Christ would eventually suffer. If you look closely at the stars you will also see little babies in them. That’s the artist’s personal comment that God knows the name of every child born and unborn. The childlike stars also serve as a reminder of God’s promise to Abraham to multiply his people on the earth. Isaiah 40:26 reads, “Lift your eyes and look to the heavens; Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name.” Surely if He knows the stars by name, He knows us as his children even more intimately!
Ron DiCianni is one of today’s most renowned American Artists. His work has been featured in the Smithsonian, he’s painted the President of the United States, and he was at one time the official illustrator of the Olympics. He has collaborated on over 50 book projects; working closely with names like John MacArthur, James Dobson, Max Lucado, Joni Earckson-Tada, Jerry Jenkins, Randy Alcorn, Frank Peretti, Max Davis, Karen Kingsbury, and Michael Card.
He is currently working on A Painted Visual Bible and would invite you to help him accomplish this historic work. Learn how you can help and more at The Garden City Project. Also, join Ron and friends, and 150 other presenters from over 70 countries in a global conference on creativity, Make Jesus Culture.
About this Plan
Ron DiCianni is one of today’s most renowned American Artists. His work has been featured in the Smithsonian and he’s painted the President of the United States. This Plan unpacks the biblical narrative that accompanies some of his profound illustrations.