Finishing StrongSample
Jesus Finished Strong
"Do not be lazy. Run each day's race with all your might, so that at the end you will receive the victory wreath from God. Keep on running even when you have had a fall. The victory wreath is won by him who does not stay down, but always gets up again, grasps the banner of faith and keeps on running in the assurance that Jesus is Victor." - Basilea Schlink
Jesus' whole assignment on earth was to finish the work his father sent him to do, and he counted the cost before he took his first step into time. Jesus moved and operated with the end in mind. Every step, every word, every prayer, every miracle, every sermon was done with great resolve to finish. Jesus was motivated to finish because his sole purpose was to do the will of his father, and it was the Father's heart to save us, to have us draw near to him again without the issues of sin, judgment, and condemnation.
Jesus knew the Father's heart for us and kept that ever before him knowing he one day must stare death in its face, be separated from the Father he loved so dearly, and literally become sin for us. Jesus counted the cost even though he knew his journey would be tough. He was talked about, scorned, mocked and ridiculed, misjudged and mistreated, falsely accused, beaten beyond recognition, and literally died of a broken heart in his assignment. If we sit and reason the sacrifice Jesus made for us, we would recognize he had many opportunities to stop short, to give up, and to turn his back on his assignment, but something kept him going and that was the desire to fulfill the desire of his Father's heart to save us.
Jesus' ability to finish his assignment on earth would not only save us, but it served as proof to all humanity that God was real, and he did send Jesus to save us. So too when focused on God's word as food and nourishment for our souls; when we desire above all else to do the Father's will, we will be fueled to finish what we start, and in finishing strong we bear witness to others that God is real. For example, when facing hardships in your marriage, or days when money is running low, and the bills keep mounting, or the business venture is not profitable, or the ministry seems stunted in growth, but you keep holding on the promises of God, you keep smiling, you keep trying with joy and peace; people around you will stop and take notice, and they will give credit to God because of the fruit of you staying your course.
Jesus was nourished by his Father's words, he desired to do the will of the father, but he also had a vision of what he would gain once his assignment was completed which was to be reunited with his father, sitting at his right hand but also gaining us to spend eternity with him with no more fear, no more tears, no more pain and no more death.
Jesus gained physically, emotional and mental strength to run his race to the finish because he kept his eye on the prize. Perhaps today you are caught in the web of having had a great start, but now the trials, obstacles, hardships, and torment is causing you to want to quit and walk away. I want to encourage you to keep your eyes on the prize and the end product. Keep your eyes on Jesus because he and all the saints that have gone on ahead is cheering you on. It might be dark, it might be lonely but know that you are not alone just keep your eyes on Jesus and see how he finished and know that you can finish also!
About this Plan
Have you ever wanted something so desperately that despite the hindrances and setbacks you persevered until you had it in your grasp? Well, walking with Jesus is similar. Though the road to the finish line can be long, frustrating, bumpy, and filled with so many ups and downs, you can determine to fashion your life like the Apostle Paul and keep your eyes are on the prize, God will give you the strength to keep on going and to finish strong.