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Sacred Holidays: A Devotional Leading Up To Halloween Muestra

Sacred Holidays: A Devotional Leading Up To Halloween

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Today we are going to read a story that shows us how much Jesus cares about the world. I feel confident you will find today’s reading to be a big breath of fresh air. 

Start by reading Matthew 9:9-13 and note what Jesus taught and who He taught it to. 

Jesus called Matthew, a tax collector (who were some of the worst of those in the world in those days), to follow Him. The two of them had a meal and shared the table with other tax collectors and sinners. It actually said that they came to the table. I think this says so much about the nature of Jesus. His table was approachable regardless of what your lifestyle was like. However, the super-spiritual people (the Pharisees), didn’t like this, and they stepped in quick to question Jesus. 

Don’t you love Jesus’ response to them? “‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”

The religious people didn’t understand why Jesus would have a meal with these sinners; they judged him, And Jesus was not having it. He called them out and laid down His intent clearly and quickly. 

Continue reading in Matthew 9:14-17 and note what other interruption Jesus had. 

While sitting around the table, more people came up to Jesus and the disciples, questioning Him after fasting. Jesus basically said, listen, I am the groom of my people, and while they will fast one day when I’m gone, today is not that day. 

In the middle of a talking about fasting, someone else interrupted them. 

Read Matthew 9:18-26. Who interrupted Jesus? Why? What did Jesus do?

In the middle of that conversation, a man walked up to Jesus and said that His daughter had died. Jesus immediately turned his attention away from the conversation with the religious people about fasting. Why? Because He truly came for the sick, not the healthy, as He had just proclaimed. He wanted to give his time to the person who was needy instead of proud. 

As they were going along the way, a woman touched him and was healed after 12 years of bleeding. What power! In one moment, just touching the hem of Jesus’ clothes healed more than a decade of sickness.

Finally Jesus arrived at the home of the dead daughter. He simply reached out His hand to her, and she got up. Wild, isn’t it? 

A woman sick for 12 years touches His clothes and is healed. A daughter, already dead, was made alive by just the wave of his hand! 

Jesus didn’t stay inside discussing religious things with religious people. No, He filled His table with those of the world. He ran after the sick and let the sick run after Him. And He did miracles in their midst, showing them who he truly was! This should be the same pattern for us, even at Halloween—gathering with those Jesus wanted to gather with, and helping them see who he truly is. 

Wrap up today asking God to identify the ways you’ve stayed in your Christian bubble too long. Then ask him for forgiveness for these specific habits, and pray for the courage to invite lost friends into your life the way he did.

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Sacred Holidays 


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