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Songs Of PraiseMuestra

Songs Of Praise

DÍA 6 DE 6

Bookends of Majesty

Psalm 8 has been considered to be the Psalm that expresses all Psalms. In this Psalm we see David extol and praise God in all His glory; we see the perspective between God and His creation; we see the plan of God for His creation in His Son, and we again praise Him for who He is which is where we started. 

David asks a question of God that is at the heart of our faith. “What is man that You are mindful of him and the son of man that You visit him?” In other words, “God, why do You care about us?”

David starts this Psalm acknowledging both the Covenant Keeping God of Israel as well as the sovereign Lord over all creation. He declares that he is talking to the God whose name is above all names and who is on display in the heavens. He is a God who can use even the weak things of the Earth to demonstrate His greatness. He is the God of Majesty.

Next, David ponders the enormity of the heavens that God has created with just His fingers and contrasts that with man, another one of God’s creations. This contrast leads David to ask why God cares at all about man, or about David, or about you and me.

To this question, David also gives the answer: God has created man to care for what He has created. Under God’s authority, man is to enjoy all that God has blessed him with and to tend it for God. Another way to put it is that God has given significance or a purpose to the insignificant, and He has provided His Son, Jesus, to assure the success of His plan. 

David concludes Psalm 8 with the same statement he started it. So, when we care for His creation, including most importantly one another, we fulfill our purpose and show His majesty to the world. 

Are you aware that you are a part of His majestic plan?

For more resources on spiritual growth—podcasts, study guides, e-booklets, and others—visit http://www.gsot.edu/center. The Grace Center for Spiritual Development at Grace School of Theology provides non-degree studies, live online bible study opportunities, and resources like this devotional.

Día 5