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Hope In JesusMuestra

Hope In Jesus

DÍA 7 DE 7

Every builder knows the importance of ensuring the foundation and structure of a building is crucial to its longevity and stability. Once the foundation and all precautionary measures have been taken, it is time to start the construction. As Christians the precautionary measure is to be aware of anything that might lead us into a dark and lonely path. Once we are sensitive to these possibilities, we are ready to be built up. Peter says that we are like ‘living stones’ and we are being built into a spiritual house. 

Any person with a religious bent will know the significance of religious places. India is filled with places that have religious significance. The government and many private enterprises will sincerely take a lot of effort to maintain these places. Everything in these locations is considered to be holy. For example, river Ganga or a Cow. While this is and has been the case for long, Peter is saying that same significance now rests on you. 

You, your ego, your personality is of much and even more religious significance than anything. Now as much as people have spent time and effort for the upkeep of these religious places, you and I have to allow Christ and participate in your spiritual upkeep. 

This is your current description, status, job responsibility or whatever helps you understand your position in life, “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness and into his marvelous light.”


Día 6