God's Word Through African Eyes: A 30-Day DevotionalMuestra
Ancestors: a devotion on family
From an Africa Study Bible learn note titled “Ancestors”:
We find a significant difference between the way Africans traditionally view their ancestors and how people of the Bible viewed theirs. Israel did not fear or worship their ancestors. Instead, they celebrated the relationship that their ancestors had with God. Christians in Africa can associate with God through the covenant relationship with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and through their relationship with Jesus Christ. All followers of Jesus are adopted into Abraham’s family (Galatians 3:29). Although we can look to our ancestors for our earthly identity, we have a new identity as members of the family of God. This makes us one with God’s people from all nations, tribes, and languages.
African Christians with a strong Christian lineage can celebrate the relationship their ancestors had with God. They also can worship God with the same or even more zeal than their grandparents. Even if your ancestors were not Christians, you do not need to live in fear or be yoked to the ancestors. All believers have been set free from ancestral bondage through the blood of Jesus (1 Peter 1:18-19). Jesus is our only mediator with God (Hebrews 1:1-2; 4:14; 1 Timothy 2:5). For this reason, we do not worship or pay homage to the ancestors. We do not need rites, prayers, or offerings to avoid their anger. The Bible teaches us to worship and fear only God (Deuteronomy 18:10-14; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).
We believers now live in hope, not in fear of being harmed. The truth that we will live after we die is clear (Luke 16:27-31; 23:42-43; Hebrews 9:27). However, dead ancestors have no contact with those of us who are living. God is angry when we try to talk with ancestors (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27; 1 Chronicles 10:13; Isaiah 8:19).
Do your family’s traditions have a healthy respect for ancestors or ungodly fear or worship of them? Do you need to reconsider any of your beliefs or practices? Reflect on the people who have gone before you in your family or in your Christian lineage. What can you learn from their lives about the importance of living with wisdom and worshipping God alone?
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Want to learn leadership from the leaders of the world’s fastest growing Christian population? Gain hope in hard times from people who have suffered and persevered? Explore the Trinity with the theologians who first grasped this doctrine? Understand biblical customs through the lens of similar African traditions? From the priest Phinehas to Augustine, believers in Africa have led God’s people to deeper discipleship. Here’s your chance to join the journey.