Shofar Stellenbosch | Our FatherMuestra

Devotional: A Serving Son
We can call God our Father because of what Jesus has done on the Cross and because we were adopted into His family as sons. Before you can be a father, you must first be a son. (Please note that the term “sons” here also includes daughters.) (Galatians 4:4-6, John 1:12-13). Only good sons can become good fathers because a seed produces after its own kind. The greatest sons are servants (Matthew 20:26). God will not say one day “Well done, good and faithful, anointed preacher” or “Well done, good and faithful worshiper”. He will only say “Well done, good and faithful servant”. Servants are people who put Jesus first in all they do (Philippians 2:22).
Serving is the only thing that will produce godly character. Character is built over time when we are faced with trials, challenges and temptations. God is more interested in our character than in the anointing on our lives. To be a true son means that you must serve someone else’s vision instead of your own for a time. Your vision must often first die so that God can raise it up. A son will learn to have the same conviction and be like-minded to his spiritual parents. Unfortunately, there are too many lone rangers in the Kingdom. The Bible says these people have a hireling spirit (John 10:11-14). God wants us to operate as a team. Sometimes you will be set up, through offences and pride, to try and make it on your own or to rebel against leadership.
Keep the following in mind:
- You are never the owner of your gifting
- God is looking for faithfulness
- It is not about whether you can do it better
- Selfish ambition can destroy you
- You are not indispensable
The Story of Two Sons
Read Luke 15:11-32
The prodigal son basically said to his dad “I don’t want to know you anymore. I forsake our family inheritance and want my own.” Remember that he had the freedom to choose. If he had not been free to choose, the love of the father would not be unconditional.
The Father’s Response
- Gave what his son asked
- Waited daily for his son to return
- Forgave his son when he returned
- He gave his son:
A robe - Identity
A ring - Authority
Shoes - Destiny
- Ordered a celebration- Fatted Calf
Remember that there were two sons in the house. The one spoiled his inheritance, the other had a bad attitude and never felt part of his father’s household. The difference between a son and a slave is that a son has an inheritance.
The Religious Son’s Response
- Out in the field serving/working
- No time at home with the father although the father’s heart is open to him
- Reward-focused and religious
- Angry that the father never gave him something
- Jealous of his brother
- Did not look for his brother
Reflective question
- In what areas are you serving or would you want to serve?
Acerca de este Plan

This devotional is aimed at helping us understand and connect with God, the Father as our Dad and the head of our family. It describes the heart, nature, character and work of our Father as well as growing up as a child in His House and becoming fathers to others. Join us as we discover the heart of our Father.
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