Hollywood Prayer Network On RejectionMuestra

"Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better." Dr. Steve Maraboli
PRAY: God in heaven, I know that everything You have created is good and nothing is to be rejected. I want to receive everything you give me, with thanksgiving, even if it doesn't appear to be good. I know that everything that happens to me, everything You give me and everything around me, is consecrated by Your word and my prayers. So, let me embrace everything that comes my way as good, or as something that You can turn in to good. Amen.
REFLECT: It's hard to imagine that we are not to reject anything that comes at us, but we need to receive it with thanksgiving - because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer. My husband taught me years ago to thank God for everything that comes our way - whether it be good or bad. We started thanking Him for the rejections, the jobs we didn't get, the financial stresses, the emotional hurts, and the physical pains, because we wanted to live lives of thanksgiving. It totally changed me as I learned that what I thought was a curse, turned into a blessing, and that God really is in control of everything. I Timothy 4:4-5 opens up the challenge to not reject things that don't make sense, but to thank God for them.
ACT: Choose to thank God for something bad in your life right now. Don't reject a mean person or an unfair situation or a heavy burden, as bad or evil, but choose to embrace it, thank God for it and then see how He will consecrate it by His Word and by your prayers. Don't give up on thanking Him for whatever it is and wait to see how He will change your heart, your perspective and your pain, into something beautiful!
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Acerca de este Plan

One of the hardest hurts to overcome is the feeling of rejection. Nobody wants to be rejected and God doesn’t want us to reject Him as well. This week we’ll look at all of the ways we can handle rejection and learn what God says about acceptance and rejection. As cherished children of God, let’s embrace the joy of never feeling rejected again.
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