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DÍA 1 DE 14

In Isaiah 40:3, hundreds of years before Jesus was born, Isaiah prophesies: "A voice is calling, 'Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness; make smooth in the desert a highway for our God.” Isaiah is prophesying the voice of John the Baptist—Jesus’ forerunner, the one who ‘cleared the way’ for Jesus to begin His ministry on earth. In this passage from John 1, we find ourselves reading the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy as John the Baptist announces the arrival of the One: “Look! There He is—God’s lamb! He will take away the sins of the world! I told you that a mighty one would come who is far greater than I am, because He existed long before I was born!”

John the Baptist’s encounter with Jesus is the ultimate “I told you so” moment! A moment of fulfillment of the word, a moment of complete purpose for John the Baptist, the moment for which he was born. His calling was to “announce” the Savior, and he fulfills that calling in this moment. What strikes me about this passage (in John 1) is John’s complete acknowledgement and awareness of who Christ is, and who he himself is. John immediately makes his position and role clear as well as Christ’s position and role clear as he declares, “Mighty Onewho is far greater than I am.” John knew where he stood in relation to Jesus. 

When we encounter Jesus and position ourselves as a servant, placing Him in His rightful place, we open up our hearts and lives to receive His grace, because God gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5). When we approach Jesus in humility, placing Him in His all-powerful, rightful place in our lives—acknowledging we are not the savior or ruler of our own lives but rather surrendering our hearts to His rule and reign—His grace comes rushing in. He is looking for a surrendered heart, a heart  willing to let go and receive His love.

On the contrary, when we place ourselves as more important than Christ, as the one who is in control, as the one who holds the reign and rule, we close off our lives to His leading and to being participants in His daily plan. 

Today—can I encourage you?—let’s approach Jesus with the same humility and position-awareness that John the Baptist did! Let’s be the willing, present and open ones who say, “Lord! You are far greater than us! We honor you today and choose to acknowledge that you are our Lord and King, and you are seated at the right hand of the Father. You have overcome the grave and made a way for us to be cleansed and live forever with Jesus. Lord, we give you today—lead us, guide us, show us how you want us to live.” 

When we seat Jesus in His rightful place, approaching Him with humility, we then receive our rightful place in Him; the Bible says we become “joint heirs” with Christ (Romans 8:17). Jesus desires to give us true life, so as we approach Him with humility and receive His grace, we become empowered to truly live life the way it is meant to be lived—in connection with Him. The battle between sin and grace has already been won on the cross; a surrendered heart joins Christ on the victory podium.  

- Georgie Kelsey


Día 2

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Jesus came to give us something greater than what the world can give us. Again and again, His grace always wins. Join us on a 14-day devotional series, written by Pastors Josh and Georgie Kelsey of C3 NYC, on stories in the gospels of grace’s victory through Jesus.
