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God Encounters

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God Encounters Don't Depend on Your Title

Your encounter with God is not based on your qualification, capability or title.

The Bible talks about so many sinners and tax collectors who had an encounter with Jesus and became his disciples, yet there were Priests, Rabbis, Sadducees, Pharisees and Teachers of the law who completely missed Him.

God encounters are not dependent on whether your parents or grandparents were Christians. These don’t depend on how long you have been attending church, or what title you hold, or which degree you have, and definitely not how good you have been!

For God sees not as man sees (1 Samuel 16:7)

Zacchaeus was a sinner but Jesus encountered him. Samuel was a little boy yet God met him. Mary Magdalene was demon-possessed but she had a God encounter and her life was transformed into a follower of Jesus.

Jesus says in John 15:16, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain”.

God chooses us all, but it is only those who respond and are available to that call that really encounter Him. We need to ask ourselves, "Are we available for Him?"

As we write this, we hear Jesus singing over you, “Come, walk with me.”

That’s all you and I have to do.

You don't have to try to be good or perfect in order to encounter Him. Instead go to Jesus just the way you are, and start spending time with Him.

In the book of Acts 4:13 we read, when people saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

These were uneducated, smelly fishermen. Until one day they decided to drop their nets and walk with Jesus – spend time with Him, listen to Him, ask Him questions. It is in this process of being with Jesus, that their likeness changed! So much so that the world around them was astonished!

Now that’s what an encounter looks like!

That’s exactly what you got to do right now. Start spending time with Jesus and His Word and as you do that, you will encounter Him.

Ponder Point

1. How much time do you spend in the Word?

2. What hinders you from spending your time with Jesus?


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God Encounters

The word 'encounter' simply means to ‘run into’; and running into God is the best thing that can happen to us! God Encounter is not about a one-time dramatic experience but an ongoing leading of the Holy Spirit for our lives. God encounters can catapult you into your destiny and grant you unimaginable favour and access. And, the purpose of this 6 Day Devotional is to push you towards yours.
