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Professor Boaz: Running with JesusMuestra

Professor Boaz: Running with Jesus

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Cleansing, Eating, and Running

Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. (2 Corinthians 7:1)

A marathon run is not merely a physical body thing. It is a mind, soul, and spirit thing. This is especially true when a marathon runner reaches the 21st mile or so. By that point the body has endured its limit, and the mind, soul, and spirit have to take over. Therefore a marathon runner needs to train the whole being - the body, mind, soul, and spirit for the marathon run. If one has only trained the body, one has done inadequate training. 

During my marathon training, I reflect on passages of  Scripture related to life as a marathon journey. I find this very helpful, especially during those last stages of the marathon when the body has endured the maximum. I find that it helps me stay focused and sharp for the finish. 

A marathon runner also needs to be mindful of what one eats - physically, mentally, and spiritually. Unhealthy food can lead to very unpleasant runs. I know of marathon runners who ruined their marathon, just because they ate the wrong food the night before the marathon, and runners who ruined their marathon because they were going through emotional and spiritual lows in the days leading up to the marathon. 

A marathon runner needs to be mindful of what one eats mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. One can set aside bad thoughts only for so long. In those later stages of the marathon run, when the body is all beaten up, a runner need a healthy mind. A healthy mind and spirit results in a good and strong finish. An unhealthy mind and spirit leads to the runner giving up. 

A marathon runner cannot begin training just days before the big marathon. This has to be a way of life. It must begin many months before the big marathon. One must cleanse oneself of all bad food, and begin consuming good food. One must take steps to cleanse the mind and the soul as well. All this will make for an enjoyable and successful marathon run. 

This is precisely what this verse is asking us to do- “cleanse yourself from everything that contaminates body and spirit.” 

A prayer:

Oh Lord, as I run this great marathon run, I come to you. Please cleanse my body, mind, and spirit, so that I can run this race well. 

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Acerca de este Plan

Professor Boaz: Running with Jesus

Jesus is the Great Marathon Runner, the starter, pacesetter, and finisher of this race. This plan shows us how scripture impacts our marathon of life.
