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When Your Whole World Changes - COVID-19 Special EditionMuestra

When Your Whole World Changes - COVID-19 Special Edition

DÍA 18 DE 31

Not the Same Person

I didn’t expect things to be so different. It’s a challenge to put my life back together in the “new normal” without the resources and opportunities we used to have. We’re thinking about what’s important and making decisions about things we hadn’t thought about before. I realize I’ve changed. I don’t look at things quite the same way I used to. 

I’m not the same person I used to be.

When our life circumstances, daily routines and priorities, social relationships, or how we view the world around us changes, we often start paying more attention to who we are, what we value, and where we’re headed. The uncertainty and changes that a crisis or disaster bring may become a catalyst for transformation and renewal in our lives. We may have a fresh interest in discovering what is worth pursuing and holding onto in a changing world.

God our Creator loves us. He wants us to find a firm foundation in Him and experience a true transformation that gives us a renewed strength, hope, and purpose in life. The Bible is full of stories about God’s transforming love in the lives of people who have experienced trauma or unwanted change. Consider what some say about trusting God to be their firm foundation:

Yes, my soul, find rest in God;

my hope comes from him.

Truly he is my rock and my salvation;

he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

My salvation and my honor depend on God;

he is my mighty rock, my refuge.

Psalm 62:5–7

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:16–18

Will you trust God to be your foundation and a transforming presence in your life?

Día 17Día 19

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When Your Whole World Changes - COVID-19 Special Edition

When Your Whole World Changes – COVID-19 Special Edition helps people deal with the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic. Based on excerpts from the Bible, this 30 day devotion brings unique perspectives to the experience of anxiety and suffering in the face of the global pandemic.
