My Story: Part ThreeMuestra

Lectio Divina
- Read.
- What are these passages saying? Use outside resources if it helps!
- Meditate.
- Try to listen for God's voice. What is sticking out to you?
- Pray.
- Talk to God based on your impressions, or the words and phrases that are sticking out.
- Contemplate.
- What is God asking of you as a result of hearing His word?
- Act.
- How can you make your life a gift to others now?
Not only did Jesus put an end to the sacrificial system by becoming the final sacrifice, he showed us how to be completely authentic humans. Romans 12:9-21 shows us some very practical ways that we as priests, or "living sacrifices" are following in the footsteps of Jesus should live. Today, make an intentional effort to put one of these commands into action:
- Show honor to someone
- Spend time rejoicing because of the hope that you have
- Pray through a troubling circumstance in which you find yourself
- Serve someone who is in need
- Bless someone who you would consider your enemy
- Celebrate someone other than yourself
- Let someone who is going through a rough time know that you are there for them
Acerca de este Plan

What are some of the words that come to mind when you think of Jesus? Is "priest" at the top of that list? Even if it isn't, the truth remains that Jesus is the greatest priest! So what does that mean for us? Over the next few days, let God's word lead you into following the example set by Jesus.
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Semana Santa

Día 41