First Priority Follow-Up Guide: The Story of Jesus and The Story of The Church CommunityMuestra
Big Idea
Jesus' kingship was revealed through the breaking of his body and pouring out of his love.
Personal Questions
Jesus went the extra mile to not only reveal Himself to his disciples, but to show them his scars, eat with them, and remind them of His fulfillment of the Scriptures. He loved His disciples and wanted them to understand all He had done. In what ways has Jesus revealed Himself to you in your life?
Community Question
The Kingdom of God, which Jesus perfectly demonstrates during his ministry on earth, values humility and self-sacrifice. How is this at odds with the typical values of the world we live in? Why can it be so difficult for us to follow Jesus’ way of living?
Going Deeper
Jesus rises from the dead, transforming his lifeless broken body into a new creation. He wants the same for us when we make Him the Lord and Savior of our lives. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. In what ways has God begun to make you into a new creation?
Acerca de este Plan
This follow- up guide is designed to help you take one person or a group of friends through the Story of Jesus and the Story of the Church Community from the book of Luke and the book of Acts. This is a great way to help a friend who is curious about faith or a new follower of Jesus take their next steps in their spiritual journey.