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10 First Steps for the New ChristianMuestra

10 First Steps for the New Christian

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10 First Steps for the New Christian

Woodrow Kroll (General Director)

Back To The Bible

A prison keeper in the ancient Greek city of Philippi once asked two of his prisoners the most important question in life: "What must I do to be saved?" 

The two prisoners, whose names were Paul and Silas, knew the answer: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31).

The prison keeper, who is sometimes called the Philippian jailer, did believe in Jesus; and he was saved. It is probable that he then turned to Paul and Silas and asked, "What shall I do now?" And they must have told him. For within a few hours he had taken several of the most important first steps that a new Christian should take. 

Perhaps you, too, have just trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior. And perhaps you are asking, "What shall I do now?". If so, this booklet is for you. Take these ten simple first steps for new believers, and your new journey to heaven will take on new excitement and purpose.


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10 First Steps for the New Christian

Woodrow Kroll has written an informative primer for new believers, asserting the importance of daily Bible reading and prayer, the necessity of developing friendships with other Christians, the role of the Church in the new life, and more.
