Leadership: The 14 Success Principles of JobMuestra

Here’s a recap of the fourteen leadership and business principles espoused by Job (and supported throughout Scripture):
- Sexual Purity – not even a lustful glance
- Honesty – no white lies or even a hint of deceit
- Obedience – stay on God’s straight and narrow; don’t even look right or left
- Fair Employment – treat everyone right, just as you want God to treat you
- Respect for Others – everyone bears the image of God, no matter what role they play
- Sharing and Caring – help the less fortunate, even with your personal involvement
- No Unjust Action – no taking advantage of your position or power over others
- No Trust in Wealth – wealth can never save you, but righteousness can
- No Gloating or Pride – only God gives the success, be a humble/thankful steward
- No Other Gods – trust only God, never any “gods” of self-help or other
- No Schadenfreude – no joy in failure of others, even if they are your enemy
- No Bad Wishes – no ill will or negative thoughts to any others, only blessing
- No Hypocrisy – admit your failures, seek forgiveness and just be real
- No Abuse of Resources – people and natural resources are from God, treat them accordingly
Now, there’s the most complete list of leadership and business principles provided in any chapter of the entire Bible. Right there in the middle of the Bible, and right there in the middle of the book of Job!
Clearly, the story of Job is not just about loss and suffering, but also about how to achieve greatness in the eyes of God Himself. Just like God said about Job:
Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason.” – Job 2:3
Can God say this about you too? Following the leadership and business principles provided by Job may be the best way to get started.
May God bless you and keep you as you integrate these principles into your leadership and business life!
Reflection / Application
- Of the fourteen principles, which seem most natural for you? Which are most unnatural or difficult?
- Pick the most difficult principle and write it out. Then pray over it every day for a whole week. Can you claim this principle as your own?
- Download the “cheat sheet” of Job’s fourteen principles from the link below. Print it out and post it on your wall. Reread these devotionals once a quarter, maybe with a friend or colleague, to stay fresh. Challenge each other to greatness in following Job.
Get the book for Small Group Study
This reading plan has been expanded somewhat to provide a study guide for small group use - get the book here , or visit the same link to download a summary sheet or leader's guide. Be blessed!
Acerca de este Plan

Job may be one of the more difficult (or comforting!) books of the Bible, depending on your situation. But right in the middle of the book, Job outlines his secret for success – giving step-by-step insights into 14 key business and leadership principles that took him from Total Loss to Double Success, and in good standing with God Himself. Learn these lessons to bless others and yourself!
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