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Biblical Success - Pushing Through the "Blahs" Muestra

Biblical Success - Pushing Through the "Blahs"

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The first step in getting over the “blahs” is to recognize and confess them in open and honest conversation with our Father. He already knows of course, in fact He has either sent them or allowed them, intentionally bringing us a season of testing, conviction, or trial. No one lives life in Christ on the mountain top continuously, and hoping for that is setting ourselves up for an unreal and unfulfilled expectation, and eventually an ugly crash.. Our lives, and the race that is set before us, are more like hiking the Appalachian Trail than running along a regular oval track. 

Anyone can praise God when everything is smooth sailing and the wind is at their back. But life after the fall has never been continually like that for anyone including Father’s most faithful servants. James starts his narrative by saying in verse 2 of his book, “To the 12 tribes who are scattered abroad: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance (perseverance) . But let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect (mature) and complete, lacking nothing.” 

That is, there will be ups and downs, sunshiny days and rain, perhaps storms, beautiful scenery, tough climbs and smooth downgrades as we hike along the “narrow path.” We might even have to backtrack a bit at times to go higher. But, no matter where we are along the path, Romans 8:28 is AWAYS true and our loving Father in heaven is working ALL of it for our good as Christ followers.  

Our Father wants us to love and praise Him on sunny days at the shore and also as we hike a dry and dusty desert trek. He wants us to stay as close to Him when we can’t feel or even sense His presence as when we get goosebumps and tear up at the very thought of who He is and what He has done for us. He never changes or loves us more or less but is constantly training and nurturing us in faith. For us it is a victory to say to Him, “Father I don’t care how it feels or what is going on. I don’t understand and right now I feel lost, but I love You with all my heart and soul and I trust You as the One WHO WILL carry me through this season. Fill me with Your Spirit Lord, and lead me in Jesus Name and to His glory!” 

So, as soon as we recognize that sense of dustiness in our relationship, we start to end it by confessing it and crying out to Him in faith. Faith doesn’t depend on feelings, it is greater and beyond our emotions. Faith is trust without proof or even evidence. We can thank God for who He is and what He has done for us. No matter how we feel about our circumstances, they will change, God won’t ever change and the only way He can help us understand that is by testing us. Start to bring a season of refreshment by confessing to our Dearest One that you need it. Read through the Psalms. We aren’t alone, or the first or the last to cry out in need of refreshment. What do you think? Comments?  

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